In this lesson, we introduce the running example of this course, a wishlist app. We will take a look at the core of mobx-state-tree (MST), models. Models describe the shape of your state and perform type validation.
You will learn:
- Defining models using types.Model
- Instantiating models from JSON using Model.create
- Primitive types: types.string & types.number
- Type inference for primitive types
- types.array
- types.optional
- Composing models into a model tree
- Testing models using jest
To create a model:
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"export const WishListItem = types.model({ name: types.string, price: types.number, image: ""})export const WishList = types.model({ items: types.optional(types.array(WishListItem), [])})
'types' is similar to React PropTypes.
Once model is created, then we can write tests to verify:
import { WishList, WishListItem } from "./WishList"it("can create a instance of a model", () => { const item = WishListItem.create({ name: "Chronicles of Narnia Box Set - C.S. Lewis", price: 28.73 }) expect(item.price).toBe(28.73) expect(item.image).toBe("")})it("can create a wishlist", () => { const list = WishList.create({ items: [ { name: "Chronicles of Narnia Box Set - C.S. Lewis", price: 28.73 } ] }) expect(list.items.length).toBe(1) expect(list.items[0].price).toBe(28.73)})